Monday, May 11, 2015

The Great Debate: English Yellow vs. Arles

Shelley from our Buda Texas location, Shoppe at the Railroad, has been experimenting with color mixes again! She wanted to see the difference in custom "green" colors created with  English Yellow Chalk Paint® versus Arles Chalk Paint® .  Here are her fun results! 

1 comment:

  1. Cottage vs Provincial? Cottage colours are sharper and livelier to compensate for drab English weather. Whereas provincial colours don't need to be a cheerful. Your choice depends entirely on your personality and what you can live with, and also on how you want to accessories your interiors. Also match your timbers in with either the cottage style or the provincial style. English timbers are dark and warm that contrast well with English colours. French timbers are generally lighter, not as of best quality when compared to English timbers grown in forest climate. French timbers are textured, lighter in colour and poorer quality timbers are white washed, also a reflection on French climactic conditions. Therefore when it comes to choosing between English cottage or French provincial, consider your timber floor colour and how you would like to accessories. Use the style of furniture that you are painting, for inspiration and guidance if you are starting from scratch. Does the style fit into a cottage or into a provincial farmhouse? Then go from there.....
